Holiday Riddles are one of the most enjoyed family friendly past time. They are fun and entertaining to all ages as they can be challenging and the answers to them are always very entertaining and makes a lot of sense. The mysterious riddles are enjoyed a lot when the holiday season comes around as the theme makes it perfect for a wide variety of riddles and jokes to come about. Let’s start with some of these riddles which you can pick up from here and learn easily to use during the holidays and or even on other occasions.
Holiday Riddles
Halloween Riddle
A Skeleton walks into a restaurant, and then places an order for lunch. What is his order?
(Spare Ribs!)
What animal do you think is the best at baseball?
(A Bat!)
You meet Dracula and his new girlfriend at a bar, you ask how they met. What is Dracula’s response?
(It was love at first bite!)
What made Cyclops quit teaching?
(He only had one pupil!)
Which variety of circus performers perform and see the best at night?
Dracula’s going to the bank to keep his money, he seems a little more pale than usual, which bank did he go to?
(A Blood Bank!)
St.Patrick’s Day Riddles
Why should you not iron a four leaf clover?
(Because you would be pressing your luck!)
There is a type of bow that can be seen on a lucky day but can never be tied, what kind of bow is it?
(A rainbow!)
You find a fake stone in Ireland, what do you call it?
(A Shamrock!)
When does an Irish potato stop being Irish?
(When it’s cut and fried by the French!)
Thanksgiving Riddles
There’s a key that opens no doors but fills your stomach, what key is it?
(A turkey!)
What is the weather called when it is raining turkey?
(A fowl weather!)
A turkey has a musical part to it, what is it?
Christmas Riddles
It’s Valentine’s Day! What reindeer do we see on this day?
There is a man that can never enjoy the fireplace, who is this man?
What’s the kind of toe that should not belong on your foot?
Santa just ate his walking stick! How is that possible?
(It was a candy cane!)
Which reindeer loves to go to outer space?
Which reindeer is known to be the fastest of them all?
What kind of a tree keeps everyone warm?
(Fir tree)
What is the expected outcome of a cross between an apple and a Christmas tree?
(A pine apple!)
What bird lives on the Ice and knows how to write?
(A PEN..guin!)
What’s the similarity between snowflakes and your finger prints?
(They are always unique)
What’s the direct relationship between the three stages of a man and Santa Claus?
(He thinks Santa is real, He knows Santa is not real, He himself is now Santa Claus)
These 25 riddles about the four holidays are meant to be enjoyed by all. They are easy to learn as the holiday theme makes everything a lot more cheerful and happy. Holiday riddles are indeed best enjoyed whenever there is a gathering. Always try to enjoy your holidays with your friends and family and make it a better experience for all by knowing a few holiday riddles.
Want More Holiday Riddles?
Check out Holiday Riddles: Enigmas for the Holiday Traveler or maybe holiday puzzles are more your style?
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