Back when I worked at a historical society, we had a big exhibit of aluminum Christmas trees one year in our museum. They were so colorful and kitschy and sparkly, I fell in love with them instantly. So naturally, in this little compilation of Vintage-Inspired Christmas items, I’m including an aluminum Christmas tree. And what to put on the tree? Well, shiny ornaments and tinsel and bubble lights, of course!
5″ Classic Aluminum Tree [Yuletide Expressions $349.95] // Pine Bough Printable Party Invitations [Paper Source $13.50] // Silver Glass Icicle Ornament [CB2 $5.95] // Red Tinsel Ribbon [Paper Source $9.95] // Set of 3 Pink Starburst Ornaments [Crate & Barrel $4.76] // Holiday Living Bubble Christmas Lights [Lowe’s $8.97] // Tree Holiday Napkins [Paper Source $6.95] // Decorated Hard Needle Wreath [Target $25]
When aluminum trees first came out, I remember wanting one so bad. We were very poor growing up and certainly could not afford one. Later when the price went down my Grandma had one and kept it for years and years. Amazing…now that they are vintage the price is high again! LOL
Those napkins are hilarious!