When I received three boxes of Fullbars to review, I decided to do a super-scientific experiment to answer the burning question: Do Fullbars really work? I’ve seen them in stores before, but I never bought them because I wasn’t sure if they were the real deal or just another weight loss gimmick.
How It Works
Fullbars were developed by Dr. Michael Snyder, a bariatric surgeon. Basically, the idea of the Fullbar is that by making you feel full just before you sit down for a meal, you’ll eat less. You’re supposed to eat the Fullbar with a 16 oz. glass of water 30 minutes prior to your meal. The bar manages to make you feel full by expanding the upper portion of the stomach and releasing something called Slendesta, which, according to Fullbar, promotes the release of a hormone to the digestive tract that makes you feel fuller longer.
The Super-Scientific Experiment
I am one of the rare people who never feels full or satisfied after eating soup. So last week, I tested the Fullbar by eating the following:
Day 1: A bowl of soup alone.
Day 2: A bowl of soup with a 16 oz. glass of water 30 minutes beforehand.
Day 3: A bowl of soup with a 16 oz. glass of water and an apple 30 minutes beforehand.
Day 4: A bowl of soup with a 16 oz. glass of water and a Fullbar 30 minutes beforehand.
It’s really hard to quantify something like hunger. I do know that the soup alone was not enough to fill me up. Drinking the water beforehand made me a little more full, but not completely satisfied. The apple and the Fullbar were about the same with regards to immediate fullness. It’s hard to say whether the Fullbar or the apple made me feel fuller longer, though. That said, I found the Fullbar to be much tastier than the apple–it was more of a treat. It was chewy and chocolatey and crispy. But, being on Weight Watchers, the apple is 0 PointsPlus, while the Fullbar is 4.
The Bottom Line
Basically, if you’re looking to lose weight, eating anything (particularly something high in fiber) before a meal will help you eat less at said meal. That’s why our moms always tell us not to spoil our appetite for dinner. I do like the taste of the Fullbars, though, and for this reason, I would consider purchasing them in the future instead of other bars.
Disclosure: I received samples of Fullbars to facilitate this review. This review is my personal opinion and not an endorsement of Fullbar.
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